Do you ever feel strangely guilty over, well, nothing? For example, my Pinterest boards bring me a lot of anxiety. If you follow me, you’re probably quite annoyed by the mass quantities of brownies, naan, and chocolate chip cookie recipes I pin. I’m sorry. I probably won’t stop. After I pin these recipes, I have a feeling of doom…as if I owe something to the pin (this one is the WORLD’S BEST!)…if I don’t get around to trying out the recipe, then I’ve failed…let down the pin…wasted my time…clogged up feeds. I haven’t made 99% of the dessert recipes I pin. As much as I’d like to only eat brownies, naan, and cookies…my American thighs don’t think it’s a good idea. This anecdote has no purpose. It’s just to share a glimpse into my weirdness.

Moving on….you shouldn’t have any guilt over any of these dinner recipes this week. *Brought it back; saved the post.*

Monday: Banh Mi Spring Rolls– Gluten free and vegan. I love a spring roll, but you can eat the filling atop quinoa or rice, if you can’t find rice wraps. Feel free to substitute chicken or shrimp for the tofu.

Tuesday: Brinner!!! Breakfast for dinner is never a bad idea. Fast, easy, filling. There a so many options here. I’m going to make these Gluten Free High Fiber Pancakes.

Wednesday: Paleo Chicken Shawarma with Zucchini Hummus– Paleo, gluten free, nut and dairy free. This would be good paired with one of the 3347203947 naan recipes I have pinned…check them out!

Thursday: Sweet Potato Taco Bowls– Gluten and dairy free, paleo, Whole 30- can be vegan if you leave out the meat and sub beans/lentils/veggies. This is a fast and easy recipe…I think the only change I’ll make is to reduce the amount of meat used…1/2lb of meat per serving is way to much for this lady. 1/2 lb of fries or Cadbury eggs? Yes. Meat? Never.

Friday: Salmon and Jalapeño Pesto Pasta– To make gluten free, use g-free pasta and breadcrumbs, or leave out the breadcrumbs (I never use them). To make vegan, don’t make the salmon! When I make salmon, I like to season it with Potlatch seasoning from Williams Sonoma…that’s it. The seasoning is so good that you don’t need to add anything else to it.

Saturday: Indian Spiced Roasted Chicken with Sarson ka Saag (Indian spiced spinach)–  Gluten free, paleo, to make dairy free use lactose free yogurt, plant based yogurt, or coconut cream. If cooking a whole chicken weirds you out; don’t do it. Try using whole breasts instead. And again….another chance to make a naan recipe!

Sunday: Grilled Hawaiian Chicken Teriyaki Bowls– In the interest of saving time, use store bought teriyaki sauce (but check your ingredients because most contain wheat and are loaded with sugar). A great paleo option is Coconut Secret Teriyaki Sauce.  To make vegan, leave out the chicken and grill up a whole mess of vegetables.


****I’ve recently added more services to my “Work With Me” page. Check it out…I think you’ll find there are services offered that fit into every budget. And I don’t have to remind you that summer is a comin’ and putting off becoming healthier isn’t doing you any favors!!! ****




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